It takes a tremendous amount of dedication and commitment to educate your children at home. Dedication to your children and their well-being; commitment in the form of time, energy, and personal funding. Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is here to help you gain the knowledge and confidence you need to continue throughout your journey.
Contact us to schedule a live workshop for your home education support group.
Let’s Get Started!
Exactly what is homeschooling and how do I start? Is it legal? Do I have to have a degree? Where do I find my curriculum? Is a virtual academy the same as homeschool? These and many other questions plague most families just starting on the homeschool journey. This workshop is designed to answer the basic questions and help you on your way to a successful homeschool journey.
Choosing Curriculum That Fits Your Child
Choosing the right curriculum for your child can be overwhelming. In this workshop, you will be given a passport to help you discover the many learning styles and teaching methods available to give you the confidence you need to decide what will work best for your child and fit your family dynamics.
Taming the Beast of Record Keeping
Keeping records does not need to be time consuming or burdensome. This workshop is designed to help you get your homeschool records in order and give insight into the importance of documenting your homeschool journey. Whether you are just starting out or have been at it for years, if you have never kept records, you will learn when to start, what you need to keep and what you can throw away, methods of record-keeping, how long to keep the records, and much more.
High School Transcripts
Does the thought of making your student’s high school transcript give you hives? This workshop will smooth over all those worries so that your student can have a graceful transition from high school to college or the workplace with a professional record of their high school journey.
You CAN Homeschool Through High School…Without Going Bald
Are you overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling through high school? Does it make you want to pull your hair out? Whether your child is in elementary school, middle school, or already in high school, this introductory workshop will reduce the stress and anxiety over homeschooling through high school and preparing your student for college or career. So much is covered in this workshop, you'll walk away confident, knowing you are doing your best for your student and still retain your full head of hair!
Homeschooling Through High School – It’s Not as Scary as You Think (Two Part)
The Basics Every Mom/Dad/Student Should Know - Part 1
Homeschooling a teen through high school is often one of the scariest thoughts for a homeschool mom and why a lot of families stop homeschooling after eighth grade. This introductory workshop is designed to fill you in on the basics of homeschooling through high school. We will cover why it is important, what kind of plan you will need, how to choose curriculum, making a transcript, and much more. Before you throw in the towel, come to this workshop and dispel those fears because you CAN successfully homeschool through high school.
College Bound or Career Bound? - Part 2
You have made the decision to homeschool your student through high school! You know the basics, but now what? How do you prepare your student for college? What about dual enrollment? What if your student doesn’t want to go to college and is going straight into the workforce? Do I have to follow the same plan as a student who is college bound? This workshop will take you a step further help you map out your student’s high school career whether they choose college or the workforce as their destination. We will discuss in detail, dual enrollment, testing, college admissions, financial aid, resumes, apprenticeships, career mapping, courses of study and more to help your student successfully reach his/her goals.
Ten Questions Every Homeschooler Will Be Asked and Will Need to Know How to Answer…
Without Being Snarky.
Are you overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling through high school? Does it make you want to pull your hair out? Whether your child is in elementary school, middle school, or already in high school, this introductory workshop will reduce the stress and anxiety over homeschooling through high school and preparing your student for college or career. So much is covered in this workshop, you'll walk away confident, knowing you are doing your best for your student and still retain your full head of hair!
Support Groups 101: Nuts, Bolts, and Thingamajigs
Support groups are a wonderful resource for every homeschool family, but as leaders, sometimes we feel like there are a few screws loose. This can lead to discouragement, frustration, and burn-out. This workshop will give support group leaders the tools they need to build a successful group and keep it going smoothly. We will address topics ranging from liability issues to conflict resolution in a relaxed "Town Hall" type setting. So grab your leadership team and come enjoy some real honest encouragement. This is one session you won't want to miss!
The Homeschooler and Politics
Do you ever feel powerless and intimidated when it comes to communicating with your elected officials? Knowing your rights and fulfilling your responsibilities are vital to the future of home education. This workshop was designed to help you understand how building relationships with your elected officials will make a positive and significant impact on you, your family, and your community.
Exploring the Types of Education at Home
FREE education, FREE curriculum, FREE computers, FREE internet access all to be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home! Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? Online virtual schools can offer big incentives, but are they really free? If you enroll your child in one of these schools, are you still considered a homeschooler? This workshop will give you the lowdown on virtual schools, charter schools and the legislative impact these programs will have on true home education. Who Wants to Send Your Child to Public School? Raise Your Hand.
Common Core: What Is It And Why Should I Be Concerned?
This workshop will give some insight as to how the CC will impact homeschools and answer many questions associated with this new national standard.
What Do I Do Now? Living Beyond The Empty Nest
Everyone faces life transitions, but for many homeschool moms, the “Empty Nest” can be one of the most challenging. For years, the homeschool mom’s life has revolved around her children and their education, and in what seems an instant, that all changes. When the kids all leave home, mom’s life focus suddenly changes and she finds herself adjusting from the roles of mom and teacher back to woman and wife. Cindy Nicolai, an empty nester for several years, will walk you through some of the things to expect in this season in life and how you can make it one of the most enjoyable stages in your journey.
Who's On First? Balancing Your Priorities
As busy home educating moms, we often find ourselves getting pulled in multiple directions. We get so busy -with the planning, teaching (several children on different levels), going to coops, getting the kids to sports events, band, choir, piano lessons, shopping for the household, cooking, cleaning, laundry, budgeting, church, parents, friends….and the list goes on - that we often find ourselves overwhelmed and feeling guilty, confused, worn-out and just plain exhausted. In the midst of all this business, mom and dad often get overlooked. This workshop is a gentle reminder to keep our focus and priorities balanced and make sure that we take tiime to nurture ourselves and our relationship with our husbands. Because of the sensitivity of this workshop, it is not recommended for teens or children.