Dance. Football. Drama. Soccer. Debate. Volleyball. Choir. Swimming. Orchestra. Track. Those are just a few of the plethora of extra-curricular activities that are available to home educators in Oklahoma! We are blessed as a state to have so many options from which to choose and that list is continually growing.
Oklahoma is the only state that has the constitutional right to educate 'by other means.' This ensures home educators in Oklahoma can enjoy teaching their children as they see fit, without government regulation or interference.
While home educators in other states may rely on access to the public schools for their activities, with those activities they also get oversight, testing, curriculum review, attendance requirements, and many other burdens and intrusions that accompany enrollment in the public school system. Sure, they have a lot of activities from which to choose, but they don’t have the one thing we have in Oklahoma and that is FREEDOM. (For more info, visit the equal access page on our Website.)
That freedom is why, we at Constitutional Home Educators Alliance have compiled a list of the extra-curricular opportunities available to home educators throughout the state. As home educators who respect and love their freedom, we wanted to provide a list that is easily accessible and continually updated and we would love to have your help in the updating process, which will make it even more comprehensive.
Check out our database, and if you know of an activity we don't have listed, use the button at the top of the database page and submit that activity.