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Complacency Killed the Cat

Nathan Teague

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Dear Lovers of Constitutional Home Education in Oklahoma,

We have a strong heritage of working hard, providing for ourselves and minding our own affairs; and we intensely value the independence and freedom which emanates from doing so, and which is our right.

Having sole authority to direct and oversee the education of our children is a central and paramount value to us, and we therefore don’t mind the extra personal work and financial sacrifices required to keep this sole authority.

Our sole authority to direct and oversee the education of our children is more at threat now in the state of Oklahoma than it has ever been.

Nobody else, and no other entity, has the right to direct or oversee our children’s education; and nobody else has the ability to provide, direct and oversee the education of our children as well as we, their parents, do.

Our sole authority to direct and oversee the education of our children is more at threat now in the state of Oklahoma than it has ever been. A multitude of bills, well meaning though they are, and at least one of which has high level support from our Governor, are currently on the table which threaten our authority via secondary effect.

What these bills have in common is that they provide for funds or features [via funds] to be distributed from public/government coffers to homeschool families. As soon as we accept these handouts, we are beholden to the hand that held them, namely, government. In turn, government will feel entitled, and perhaps legitimately have the responsibility, to regulate and oversee the utilization of such handouts. In practical terms, this would result in usurping our place as ultimate/sole director and overseer of our children’s education, with government authority. Any of the common methods utilized by government to exercise such authority could be employed [e.g. curriculum mandates, curriculum reviews and approvals, record reviews, test mandates, “teacher” qualification requirements, home visits, etc.]. No amount of money, “assistance” or “help” is worth this tradeoff!

When given the individual option to accept any degree of handout in return for control over our children, many of us would decline, but more is needed to protect our family’s freedom. Handouts could be given to us through current bills on the table, whether we want them or not, and then we’re stuck.

It is time for the sleeping giant in Oklahoma to awaken.

Freedom is not free. Diligence and involvement is required from ALL of us. We can’t singularly rely upon an organization, or handful of individuals in an organization, to protect our rights, and it’s not befitting of us to allow a small number of people to shoulder the burden of doing so. Forces and energy behind these handout bills are strong. Many of the supporters and proponents of such bills do not understand the risks. It will take ALL of us to educate them, and fight for the preservation of our right to be the sole director and overseer of our children’s education. It is time for the sleeping giant in Oklahoma to awaken. Yes, we are independent, but we MUST galvanize and unite behind this effort. If any one of these handout bills get passed, our wall of protection will be breached, and we will very shortly be in an intense ongoing battle to prevent the erosion, bit by bit, of incremental amounts of autonomy, control, rights and freedom.

Pass the word, and get involved! Shoulder a share of what is required to preserve our rights and freedom! Communicate with our representatives! Participate in freedom protection! See you at the Capitol!

- Nathan Teague, fellow Constitutional Home educator in Edmond, OK


The Oklahoma Constitutional Home Educators Legislative Impact Day is Tuesday, February 15th. We would love to have you join us at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

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