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Legislative Storm

Writer's picture: Cindy NicolaiCindy Nicolai

We in Oklahoma have been blessed with a pleasantly mild winter. No substantial ice storms, no significant snow storms, not even really a bad wind storm. Unfortunately, the same is not true at our State Capitol. While we have been enjoying the mild weather, a storm has been brewing over the Capitol in the form of bad legislation. Currently, Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is watching a string of over 30 pieces of proposed legislation that will have a direct impact on parental rights and home educators, one of which could be consider an F4-F5 tornado. The others are being monitored closely as they do have some underlying rotation.


Currently, Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is watching a string of over 30 pieces of proposed legislation that will have a direct impact on parental rights and home educators, one of which could be consider an F4-F5 tornado.


So, what do we do? Well, being the good Okie I am, when I see a storm coming, I run outside and watch it or at least track it on the radar screen. We need to take that same attitude with this legislation storm that is brewing. We need to be vigilant in watching these bills, seeing where they might turn next, and doing everything we can to ensure the safety and future of our parental rights which includes our freedom to homeschool our children.

The Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is hosting a Legislative Impact Day at our State Capitol on Tuesday, February 21. We have a huge opportunity to make our voices heard and squelch these storms before they do any damage. We need you, every homeschool family who wants to retain their parental rights, is thankful for their freedom to educate their children at home, and desires to see that freedom still in place for their grandchildren, to be our allies and the voice of true home education. Phone calls are wonderful, e-mails are great, but it makes a monumental impact when a living, breathing voter walks into a legislator’s office. It is easy to ignore an e-mail or phone call, but it is difficult to dismiss a person looking you right in the eye.


We need you, every homeschool family who wants to retain their parental rights, is thankful for their freedom to educate their children at home, and desires to see that freedom still in place for their grandchildren, to be our allies and the voice of true home education.


The eye of the storm - that is spot around which the entire storm revolves and that spot is our Capitol Building. That is where we need you to be on February 21st, doing everything we can to rope that tornado, dig in our spurs, and ride it until it dies down to nothing but a puff of wind.

See you on the 21st!

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