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oklahoma constitutional home education

Join the Flock!

Help us continue to fight for education freedom. We have many bills which directly impact then constitutional home educator. We need your help making phone calls or sending emails to get our message out,

"We don't want your money,

just leave us alone." 

Stay Informed

With all the changes to public and private education due to Covid, we are watching legislation closely. We have no idea where this is going to take us, but we are expecting a lot of push for regulation in the coming year.

This is exactly why our legislative impact days are so important. We are able to speak directly with our legislators, build relationships and protect home education.  


Join us as we work to continue building relationships with our legislators and educate them on true parent-led, privately funded home education. 

Repeated exposure to the fantastic home education community and the relationships formed through many visits is key to maintaining the unparalleled freedoms we have in Oklahoma. 

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On February 12th

we had over 30 individuals join us at the State Capitol as we reached out to our elected officials concerning Home Education. True, Constitutional Home Educators are the only ones who can truly speak for themselves on this issue. Thank you to all those who joined us as we sent the message that we do not want government money or intervention

in educating our children. 

Pray for your elected officials! 

Serving your community and state as an elected official is never easy. Add in Covid, political unrest, division, and the position just became chaotic, at best.

We should always pray for our elected officials, but now, more than ever, they need wisdom, discernemnt, and guidance that only God can give.

We encourage you to remember your local, state, and federal leaders. Remember that they not only have their duties and responsibilites of the offices to which they are elected, but they also have their primary jobs and families to which they are responsible. It can be a lot of weight to bear.
We also encourage you to make a phone call, send an email, or drop a card in the mail to just say thank-you to those who are working to keep Oklahoma great. A kind word can go a long way.

Pray for our Nation. Pray for our State, and pray for our local communities as we navigate through unchartered waters into a future full of uncertainties. While we may not have all the answers, we can rely on the One who does.

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A Word About Us

Here at Constitutional Home Educators Alliance, we are committed to a single goal; we strive to sustain the autonomy and freedom of the true constitutional home educator through education and open communication. Explore our website to learn more about all that we’re doing to make this happen. We are a private, non-profit organization dedicated to educating legislators and citizens on home education and parental rights, while developing meaningful relationships with them.

Oklahoma Home Education

home education oklahoma
Contact Us
Contact Us

P.O. Box 716
Newcastle, OK 73065

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