Constitutional Home Educators Alliance's objective is to educate families, communites, and the world on the dynamics of parent-led home education and parental rights.
As a home educator, it is important to be up-to-date on issues, know how to answer questions, and be prepared for those little surprises that spring up throughout your homeschool journey. We offer resources for many areas in the form of events, Weblinks, online training, and live workshops. Browse through these pages for more information or contact us to schedule an event or workshop.

What We Offer
Constitutional Home Educators Alliance recognizes the digital age in which we live and is ready to direct you to the resources which will help you on your journey. We have compiled a list of educational Websites which you might find helpful whether you are just beginning or on the last leg of your journey.
Constitutional Home Educators Alliance fully supports the efforts of Home School Legal Defense Association and highly recommends HSLDA membership. Even if you never experience legal trouble yourself, your HSLDA membership will help enable other homeschooling families to get the legal help they need and will help defend our right to homeschool here in Oklahoma. Membership in HSLDA also gives you personal access to the legal staff; HSLDA's experienced high school, struggling learners, and early years consultants; selling privileges at the HSLDA Curriculum Market; and discounts through HSLDA's PerX program. Constitutional Home Educators Alliance members SAVE $20 off the HSLDA membership price when you enter our
FREE Discount Group code 210510 on the HSLDA membership form!
Home Education Issues
Know the issues that affect home education.
A primary function of Constituional Home Educators Alliance is to maintain visibility as home educators with civil government leaders and to influence the legislative process. We help protect the right of the Constitutional home educator in Oklahoma and evoke the need to stay vigilant regarding our freedom. We offer programs and materials that are an important part of protecting those freedoms and maintaining visibility with elected officials. See our Calendar page for a list of scheduled events.
Constitutional Home Education Alliance knows the importance of the local support group. We are glad to ally with you in training your members on legislative and educational issues and will be happy to come to where you are for live training and support. We offer numerous workshops from Getting Started to making Transcripts for your high schoolers graduation. From beginning to end, Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is with you all the way.