Constitutional Home Educators Alliance is filed as a 501c3 with the State of Oklahoma and we are awaiting our federal approval. Upon approval, your donation will be considered tax deductible.
Your gift to Constitutional Home Educators Alliance helps us protect independent home education freedom and enables us to educate our neighbors, our communities, and our world about how this freedom works—and how to keep it thriving for every child.

Donate By Check
Make checks payable to:
Constitutional Home Educators Alliance
Mail checks to:
P.O. Box 716 Newcastle, OK 73065
Donate Online
Make a donation online with your PayPal account.


As the first day of the First Regular Session of the 56th Legislature convenes, we would like to show appreciation to the many Oklahomans who work diligently to uphold our State Constitution as they serve the constituents in their districts. We are putting together small bags of office supplies which would be helpful to them such as:
We are gathering these items from businesses throughout the state in hopes that by seeing a pen or pad of paper with your logo on it, they will be reminded of the people they are there to serve and know you support them in their efforts.
•sticky notes
•note pads
Thank you for your donation to Constitutional Home Educators Alliance and for standing with us in support of constitutional home education and parental rights.
Please, remember to pray for our organization as we work to preserve freedom through education and open communication.